Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a good New Years! Clif and I sat home, watched the movie, "Date Night" and had a bottle of wine.

I have been studying, studying, studying!! Trying to get done with my online Medical Transcription course. I have 6 tests to complete and then the FINAL!! Clif found a website that has helped me ALOT. He doesn't want me to have any blanks in the reports and expects ME to get A's!!! The last test I did was the hardest of them all!! I haven't gotten that grade back yet. Lots of other students have said they failed or gotten a bad grade on it, so I am a little worried. This is where I do my studying...on the couch with my blankie. The table next to me is my mini office. I do have an office in the spare room, but it is cold in there and I don't have the view of the mountains from in there.

Today, we had some snow flurries. We have lots of chick-a-dees. One is on the bird feeder we have. They prefer eating the suet, but that is gone, so they are stuck with the bird seed.

Clif cleaned out the shed so I have a place to put my van. He has also been keeping the wood stove going to keep me warm.

The weather can stay the way it has been. I think we can all handle this kind of winter!

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